Last chance to vote for Albert in the Doritos Be Heard competition. Go to Doritos Be Heard to register and vote for Alberts video. It's a bit of a schlep but he can win 200k. He can buy you a drink.
I picked up this old Minolta 'A' rangefinder at my local antique shop for the very fair sum of R110.00(us$14.50), it's in almost perfect condition except for the previous owner who left his name and a number scratched into the aluminum body. The rangefinder look fine but it's slightly out of horizontal alignment, it hopefully won't affect the focussing though. I removed a reasonably new roll of Kodak film from the film bay, and then replaced it with a new roll of Fuji 200 color. Click on an image to view bigger.
I found this old hand colored 8x10 print of my Mother made circa the late fifties by Gibbs Studios in Stellenbosch, I guess my Mother must have been about 19 or 20 years old. I had to do about five hours of retouching to make it look pretty again because the print was never kept behind glass.
Please send me a mail if you know anything more about Gibbs Studio. Click to view bigger.